DAMD hashtag counts

What other hashtags appear in the DAMD data than #damd. Which ones are popular, and how are the hashtags distributed?

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline

Read the data, fill in the data file below.

In [2]:
damd = pd.read_csv("", index_col="tweet_id")
damd['hashtags'] = damd['hashtags'].astype(str)

Unnamed: 0 user_id user_name reply_to_id created message geodata place_id place_type place_name place_country language retweet_count hashtags user_mentions_name user_mentions_id urls media_id media_type media_url
885401672448589824 1 43302304 Motor Mavens NaN Thu Jul 13 07:33:03 +0000 2017 The @oemaudioplus #86Vantage's interior just l... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN en 0 86Vantage;DAMD OEM AUDIO PLUS 137555927 http://fb.me/6IdLxl68T NaN NaN NaN
772829925279752196 2 94512824 Caspar de Kiefte NaN Mon Sep 05 16:13:07 +0000 2016 #DAMD -> via Kunstenbond onderdeel van inte... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN nl 0 DAMD NaN NaN http://damd.nl/nieuws/damd-via-kunstenbond-ver... NaN NaN NaN
828122222111764480 3 798400767975686144 Bec NaN Sun Feb 05 06:04:58 +0000 2017 @Budah96 @sarahbuya4 #Damd Olivia went and too... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN en 0 Damd;Damd;Scandal;sogood Spider-Paco The 🌮;Sarah 165599878;53990004 NaN NaN NaN NaN

First, build an inverse index of hashtags to tweets, as a Python dict of the shape.

{'hashtag1': [tweet_1, tweet_2, ...],
 'hashtag2': [tweet_2, tweet_3, ...],

For this, we will extract the hashtags column which is itself a varying length.

In [3]:
hashtags = {}
for (tweet, hashtagsinthistweet) in damd['hashtags'].map(lambda l: l.split(';')).items():
    for hashtag in hashtagsinthistweet:
        hashtag = hashtag.lower()
        if hasthag not in hashtags.keys():
            hashtags[hashtag] = [t]

We can remove the damd hashtag, since in our data every single item has it, and thus it carries no information.

In [4]:
hashtags.pop('damd'); # semicolon at the end of the line suspends output

Next, build a pandas.Series of the number of tweets each hashtag is used in, from the above reverse index.

In [5]:
counts = pd.Series([len(hashtags[h]) for h in hashtags.keys()], name="count", index=hashtags.keys())

count    803.000000
mean       3.557908
std       14.968465
min        1.000000
25%        1.000000
50%        1.000000
75%        2.000000
max      290.000000
Name: count, dtype: float64

Ok that looks like long-tailed distribution. Let's look at a 10 bin histogram.

In [6]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1044def28>

Let's inspect the topmost hashtags, say those which occur more often than 5 times.

In [7]:
ax = counts.loc[counts > 5].sort_values().plot.barh(grid=True, figsize=(5, 15), title="Hashtag occurrences, ignored case (count > 5)")
for (patch, hashtag) in zip(ax.patches, counts.loc[counts > 5].sort_values()):
    ax.annotate(hashtag, (patch.get_width() + 5, patch.get_y()))